Wednesday 7 May 2014


You may have tried using $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] couple of times to get the name of your  website visitor's browser. Unfortunately all browsers identify themselves with a long string that all started with Mozilla, for instance when you use the above PHP function Google Chrome will return this Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/34.0.1847.131 Safari/537.36.
However, in that string, all browsers contain a distinct name. So you can use that name to identify the users browser. You can use the stripos() PHP function to find the name in the string that is returned by the browser. The code below did that for you, you can just copy and paste it to see how it works, but i recommend you understand the logic, by using echo  $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; in many browsers to see how each browser display the string.
 <!DOCTYPE html>
$browser = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
if (stripos($browser, 'opr') == true)
echo "Your Browser is Opera.";
else if (stripos($browser,'chrome') == true)
echo "Your Browser is Google Chrome.";
else if (stripos($browser,'trident') == true)
echo "Your Browser is Internet Explorer.";
else if (stripos($browser,'flock') == true)
echo "Your Browser is flock.";
else if (stripos($browser,'firefox') == true)
echo "Your Browser is Mozilla Firefox.";
else if (stripos($browser,'safari') == true)
echo "Your Browser is Safari.";

Monday 21 April 2014


I'm gonna show you how Java OOP(Object Oriented Programming)  works. The program i write is about the propagation of sound waves.
I believe you know this formula of sound v = 2x/t .
It's used to find

  • v which is speed of the sound in meters per second m/s.
  • x which is the distance of the sound in meters m,
  • t which is time in seconds s/
First we create a class named which will contain all our formula variables and the method that will calculate them/ You should notice that the class doesn't contain a main method, therefore when you try to run it, you will get an error. Below is the source code for the file

 * This class just construct the formulae for solving
 * speed of sound 
 * distance of sounde
 * and time sound take to reach back it's
 * Notice that the class doesn't contain a main method

public class Sound 

    // Inatialise our varibles
  public double v;
  public double x;
  public double t;
  // method for calculating speed of sound
  public double speed(double x, double t)
      v = (2*x)/t;
      return v;
  // method for calculatin distance of sound
  public double distance(double v, double t)
       x =(v*t)/2;
       return x;
  // method for calculating time 
  public double time(double v, double x)
       t = (2*x)/v; 
       return t;

Next, we create the file which will contain the main method. You must also save the two files(i.e and SoundDrive,java) in the same directory. 
In the you will notice how we create and object calc using our Sound class, after creating the object we are able to access it;s methods and variables. 
Below is the Source code for the

import java.util.Scanner;

public class SoundDrive 

    public static void main(String[] args) 
         Scanner input = new Scanner(; // construct input
         Sound calc = new Sound(); //create obkect of class sound
         String get;
         System.out.println("This program calculate Speed of sound, distance of the"
                + " sound and the time sound take to echo.\n How to work with it, enter "
                + "v to calculate sound speed, enter x to calculate distance of sound\n or enter t"
                + " to calculate time.");
        System.out.print("Enter V, X or T or enter any key to exit: "); // prompt user for selection
      get = input.nextLine(); //
      if (get.equalsIgnoreCase("v"))
          System.out.print("Enter Distance: ");
          double dst,tm;
          dst = input.nextDouble();
          System.out.print("Enter Time: ");
          tm = input.nextDouble();
          System.out.println("The speed of sound = "+calc.speed(dst, tm)+"m/s"); 
      else if (get.equalsIgnoreCase("x"))
          System.out.print("Enter Speed: ");
          double spd,tm;
          spd = input.nextDouble();
          System.out.print("Enter Time: ");
          tm = input.nextDouble();
          System.out.println("The distance X = "+calc.distance(spd, tm)+"m");
      else if (get.equalsIgnoreCase("t"))
          System.out.print("Enter Speed: ");
          double spd,dst;
          spd = input.nextDouble();
          System.out.print("Enter Distance: ");
          dst = input.nextDouble();
          System.out.println("The time T = " +calc.distance(spd, dst)+"s");

This is small example about the concept of OOP in java. Have fun with it.

Saturday 12 April 2014


Below is the source code of a simple Java GUI Calculator that I programmed couple of days ago.
This is the Snapshot of the calculator

The calculator works with two text fields the (i.e for first number and second number), I also used uneditable third text field to display the result. Entering a given numbers in the two text fields and clicking an arithmetic operator button will display the result. 

This is the Source Code: 

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class Calculator extends JFrame
    public JTextField text = new JTextField(10);
    public JTextField text2 = new JTextField(10);
    public JTextField rslt = new JTextField(10);
    public int num = 11;
    public int number;
    public Calculator()
      JFrame cover = new JFrame("My App");
      cover.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
      cover.setSize(260, 200);
      cover.setTitle("Maitalata's Calc.");
      cover.add(new JLabel("First Numbber   "));
      cover.add(new JLabel("Second Number"));
      cover.add(new JLabel("Result"));
      JButton b = new JButton("/");
      b.addActionListener( new ActionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
          String first = text.getText();
          String second = text2.getText();
          int a;
          int b;
          int c;
          a = Integer.parseInt(first);
          b = Integer.parseInt(second);
          c = a / b;
      } ); 
      JButton c = new JButton("+");
      c.addActionListener( new ActionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
          String first = text.getText();
          String second = text2.getText();
          int a;
          int b;
          int c;
          a = Integer.parseInt(first);
          b = Integer.parseInt(second);
          c = a + b;
      } );
      JButton d = new JButton("-");
      d.addActionListener( new ActionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
          String first = text.getText();
          String second = text2.getText();
          int a;
          int b;
          int c;
          a = Integer.parseInt(first);
          b = Integer.parseInt(second);
          c = a - b;
      } );
      JButton st = new JButton("x");
      st.addActionListener( new ActionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
          String first = text.getText();
          String second = text2.getText();
          int a;
          int b;
          int c;
          a = Integer.parseInt(first);
          b = Integer.parseInt(second);
          c = a * b;
      } ); 
      JButton e = new JButton("Clear");
      e.addActionListener( new ActionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
      } );
 public static void main(String args[])
   Calculator nw = new Calculator();

Saturday 29 March 2014

Strong Password

Strong password is the padlock to your online accounts, you should as much as possible try to make your password very secure. Below is the list of some frequently used password that you should avoid using.

  • 123456
  • password1
  • 1password
  • 654321
  • 000000
  • Your first name or surname
  • Your phone number
  • Your favourite stuff name.
  • And any word that can be guessed by someone who knows you.
A strong password will contain the combination of upper and lower case characters, as well as numbers. For instance, lets say your name is ibrahim, if you really wanted to use your name as your password, you should use something like this as your password "ibro7891Mi". You should also use a number that can be easily remembered by you, like your favourite year, and then use it backwards, all in an effort to make your password very secure. Remember that, someone can easily compromise your personal details, when he know your personal details. So, make your password as strong as you can.

Tuesday 18 March 2014


What is Phishing?
Phishing is a method that is employed by computer crackers to get your details, especially login details, such as usernames and passwords. The cracker will create a page similar to the one that you use to login into a particular online system such as Facebook, and send it to you,  usually as a link. After clicking the link, the victim is taken to the fake page. The fake page will look exactly like the original one, except that, after you have entered your login details, they will be sent directly to the attacker. and the attacker will then redirect you to another page. Phishing has proved to be effective way for attackers to get people's login details.
        How to avoid phishing.

  • Never click on strange links
  • If you have been redirected from some sites into a social network site, such as Facebook, and the page requires you to enter your login details, check your browser's address bar, to see if it is indeed the original Facebook address.

Monday 17 March 2014


Did you know that you can use your PC's windows  command prompt to find the IP address of any website? The process us very easy. Just make sure you have internet access on your PC, then open windows command prompt. If you don't know how to open the windows command prompt, just follow the steps below.

  • Click on Windows START Button at the lower left corner of your PC(Note: If you have changed the appearance of your taskbar, the START button will not be at this location. )
  • After you have clicked on the START button, then write "cmd" without the quotation marks in the search program text bar. 
  • Click at the  program that appear with the name "cmd".
  • A black window will appear, which is the windows command prompt.
Now we have opened the windows command prompt, our next task is to find the IP address of a website, lets say Facebook. just write "ping" without the quotation marks. This will get the IP address of Facebook for you, now you can use the URL of any website and find their IP address.

Wednesday 5 March 2014


The following program demonstrates how java If...else statement works. The program imports java.util.Scanner package, which will handle the user input by scanning the inserted variable. First, the program ask for the year Nigeria got it's independence, if the user guesses correctly by putting '1960', the program will print "correct answer, you are genius", otherwise, the program will print "wrong answer, please try again." Also if the user luckily insert '1959', the program will print "You are almost correct, keep trying.". I just write the program to demonstrate how java if...else condition statement is used.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class BRRead{
public static void main(String args[]){
int a;
Scanner in = new Scanner(;

System.out.println("Enter The year Nigeria got it's independence ");
    a = in.nextInt();
if (a==1960)
    System.out.println("Correct answer, you are genius!!!");
else if(a==1959)
    System.out.println("You are almost correct, keep trying.");
    System.out.println("Wrong answer, please try again.");

if  you have any java IDE such as Netbeans, Jgrasp or Eclipse, just copy the above program and paste it into your IDE and save the file as BRRead and then compile it, remember java is case-sensitive.

Wednesday 29 January 2014


The best way to display your HTML form is to insert it inside a table, like this:

<! DOCTYPE html>
<form action="submit.php" method="post">
<table border="0"> 
<td> Username </td><td>< input type="text" name="username"></td>
<td> Password </td>< input type="password" name="username"></td>
<tr><td><input type="submit" value="LOGIN"></td>

When you load the form in this way you will see that it appears without the table borders. and the form will look good.

Saturday 11 January 2014


Web design is quite easy, to start creating website, you just need to learn HTML, PHP, CSS, JAVASCRIPT and SQL.
HTML which stands for Hyper Text Markup Language is a markup language used to create website that are displayed by browsers. HTML is not a programming language, it's a markup language, it is enclosed inside tags(i.e. < and >). HTML is very easy to learn, you can learn the core HTML aspects in just a day, it just depends on your dedication.
PHP is a server-side scripting language that enables you to create dynamic websites, it;s a powerful programming language that supports object orientation. PHP is also executed on the server, but you can embed it inside HTML pages/
CSS which stands for cascading-style sheet is another web development language that lets you create attractive websites, CSS is just like a cosmetic to websites.
JAVASCRIPT is a programming language that enables a web developer to create dynamic websites, the difference between javascript and PHP is that while the latter is executed on the server, javascript is executed on the browser, it helps a web developer to reduce the traffic on his server.
SQL stands for Structured Query Language lets a web developer to interact with his database.


Here is a simple way to display a text in a browser using using Javascript

<!DOCTYPE html>
<body bgcolor='gray'>
document.write("I welcome you to my website, have a nice day");

The above piece of JavaScript code will display a message "I welcome you to my website, have a nice day" when the browser loads the page.

Friday 10 January 2014


The most widely used Server-side scripting language and web Database.



public class Hello World {
public static void main(String args[]) {
System.out.println( "Hello World" );
 No one is gonna forget this