Tuesday 18 March 2014


What is Phishing?
Phishing is a method that is employed by computer crackers to get your details, especially login details, such as usernames and passwords. The cracker will create a page similar to the one that you use to login into a particular online system such as Facebook, and send it to you,  usually as a link. After clicking the link, the victim is taken to the fake page. The fake page will look exactly like the original one, except that, after you have entered your login details, they will be sent directly to the attacker. and the attacker will then redirect you to another page. Phishing has proved to be effective way for attackers to get people's login details.
        How to avoid phishing.

  • Never click on strange links
  • If you have been redirected from some sites into a social network site, such as Facebook, and the page requires you to enter your login details, check your browser's address bar, to see if it is indeed the original Facebook address.

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